sync open tabs across computers using google chrome is a simple process that can help you keep your tabs organized and easily accessible. first, open chrome and sign in to your google account. then, open the “chrome://flags” menu and select “sync opened tabs with google.” next, enter the following information into the “tabs” field: -Name of the tab you would like to sync: this will be the name of the tab you see when you open chrome. -Location on your computer: this will be where you see the tab when you open chrome. -Target computer: this will be where your target computer is located. -Optional: if you want to have multiple tabs sync across computers, enter them all in one field and click on “add.” then, click on “done.” now, whenever you open a new tab in chrome, it will automatically sync with all of your other tabs!

Google Cloud Sync will sync a lot of things, unfortunately the one thing it doesn’t yet sync is your open tabs, lets take a look at how to change this using a custom flag and get your tabs syncing across machines in no time.

Open up chrome and type chrome://flags/ into the omnibar.

Scroll down and look for a flag called “Enable syncing open tabs” and enable it.

Now close chrome and re-launch it. If you click on the wrench menu and select options, switching to Personal Options and selecting Customise under Sync Settings you will see that Open Tabs now appear and are in fact being synced.

Remember that you will have to do this on all the computers that you wish to sync open tabs across. You will also have to be syncing with the same Gmail ID on all the machines.