Xbox 360 owners rejoice! There is a new hack that works on all models of the console. This hack is called “Xbox 360 Security Hack.” It is a simple but effective way to protect your console from unauthorized access. To use this hack, you will first need to create a new account on Xbox 360. Once you have created an account, you will need to input your gamer name and password. After you have completed these steps, you will need to download the “Xbox 360 Security Hack” file. This file can be found on the Xbox 360 website. Once you have downloaded the “Xbox 360 Security Hack,” you will need to install it onto your console. Once installed, you will need to open up the “Xbox 360 Security Settings” app and click on the “Hack” tab. You will then need to input your gamer name and password. After completing these steps, your console will be protected from unauthorized access!

Dubbed the “Reset Glitch Hack” (it uses a pulse of electricity to disrupt communication with a specific chip on the 360 motherboard during the authentication process thus opening the door for unsigned code and a boot loader) it’s an effective hack for people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. You’ll need to be comfortable soldering, shelling out a small amount of money for the various supplies and microchips you’ll need for the job, and of course no worries about potentially ruining your console with a soldering job gone bad.

The great appeal of the hack, in the face of those things, is that it currently works on every Xbox model out there including the un-JTAGable Xbox 360 Slim. The only downside, risk of damaging your Xbox aside, is that it can take up to 2 minutes to boot since the electric pulse has a 25% chance of disrupting chip communication (and continues to pulse until it gets the timing just right). As a result you’re looking at slightly longer boot times. Not a bad trade off for a works-on-any-machine hack.

Hit up the link below for the step-by-step tutorial. You can also check out the announcement here for a detailed breakdown of how the hack works.

Reset Glitch Hack [via Hack A Day]