A new case mod has been created that replicates the look and feel of Aperture Science Computers from the video game Portal. The case was created by forum user “TheKeeperOfTheKeys” and is made out of a variety of different materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. The case is designed to hold a computer system and includes a number of features that are specific to Aperture Science Computers, such as the computer’s monitor and keyboard. The case also includes a number of customizations that were specifically designed for Portal fans, such as a fake wall that can be opened to reveal the game’s main menu. TheKeeperOfTheKeys says that he plans to continue modifying his case mod in order to better replicate the look and feel of Aperture Science Computers. He says that he enjoys playing Portal games on his computer and wanted to create something that would make using it more enjoyable. ..

If you’re a fan of the popular Portal series, you’ll definitely enjoy this PC case mod that turned a regular computer into a replica of the Aperture Science terminals from the games.

While we love the build for the sake of the build, we love it even more because the case modder behind it built it at the behest of his Portal-loving wife. Hit up the link below for more information and pictures.

ASEC Company Issue Case [Hard Forum]