If you’re a web developer, you know that it’s important to keep track of where your users are coming from. UTM_Source Tracking is a feature of many web browsers, and it can be a big pain to remove it. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to do this in Firefox: the au-revoir-utm extension. This extension will remove UTM_Source tracking from all URLs in your browser, so you can focus on building better websites.

Are you tired of having to manually remove the utm_source tracking section of URLs before you share or bookmark them? Then you can happily say goodbye to that irksome nuisance with the au-revoir-utm extension for Firefox!

If you are a frequent user of RSS, then you have likely seen more than enough of the utm_source URL extension. With this extension, you simply install it and starting enjoying clean URLs immediately. No browser restart is required!

Keep in mind that you will need to refresh any tabs you had open previous to installation with the utm_source extension still present as part of the URL.

au-revoir-utm [Mozilla Add-ons]