There are a lot of factors to consider when upgrading your computer’s RAM. But one of the most important is whether you need more memory for your new computer. If you don’t, upgrading your RAM may not be necessary. Computer memory is measured in megabytes (MB). A MB is equal to 1 million bytes. So if you have 4GB of RAM, that means your computer can hold 4 billion bytes (1 quadrillion bytes). That’s a lot of data! But if you have 8GB of RAM, your computer can hold 8 billion bytes and still be able to run most programs. So if you only have 3GB of RAM, upgrading your computer’s RAM may not be necessary. However, if you have 4 or 5GB of RAM, upgrading your computer’s RAM may be a good idea. The best way to figure out whether or not you need more memory is to test out some programs on different computers and see what they need and how much memory they use. You can also check with your motherboard manufacturer to see what types of memory are available for their computers.

Sometimes you have an older but still very useful computer and are faced with a dilemma, should you upgrade it or simply hold out until you can buy a new one? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post discusses the dilemma in order to help a reader make a decision.

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

Photo courtesy of redjar (Flickr).

The Question

SuperUser reader yuvi wants to know if it is worth it to upgrade the RAM on his old computer:

Is it actually worth it to buy extra RAM for the computer?

I installed the Lubuntu desktop and used that as my session once, but saw no noticeable improvement (so my guess is that it is not related to Ubuntu’s eye-candy).

The computer only has 2 GB of RAM (two slots with 1 GB each), but I can replace those with two 2 GB sticks and upgrade it to 4 GB. I am wondering whether I should or not.

I know that sometimes a computer is no better than the weakest part, so maybe adding more RAM will not help at all. I also do not want to reach the point where I replace so many parts that I could have just as easily bought a new computer. How can I figure out if upgrading the RAM is worth it or not?

The Answer

SuperUser contributor techturtle has the answer for us:

Make sure to read through the rest of the lively (and quite active) discussion via the thread link shared below!

Before just running out to buy more RAM (especially since DDR2, which your system takes, is going to be more expensive than the current-model DDR3), you may want to run some analyses to see how much of your RAM is being utilized when you notice the lagging, as well as the amount of swap space utilization. If you find that the RAM is not fully used and/or the swap space is not being hit hard, then it is probably just a deficiency in your processor or other parts of your system.

Addendum from @George:

You can do this by opening a terminal window, and then typing free. The output will look like this:

Mem is your physical memory. Buffers are not really that important. Swap is self-explanatory. If you have low values for free MEM, and high values for swap, then upgrading the RAM is a good idea.

End of Addendum

Another possibility to look into is replacing your hard-drive with an SSD. This will improve system performance by reducing read times (especially for loading programs) and will also improve swap performance (though not as well as more RAM will).

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.