Fans of the Star Wars saga rejoice! The Machete Order, a new organization dedicated to organizing and enhancing the viewing experience of the films, has announced its plans to reorganize the movies into three separate trilogies. This will allow for a more seamless viewing experience, as well as increased enjoyment for longtime fans. “We know that many fans enjoy watching all six movies at once,” said organizer and fanatical Star Wars enthusiast, John D. Machete. “But by breaking them up into three separate trilogies, we can give each fan their own individualized experience that they can revisit again and again.” Machete Order members believe that this new approach will result in a more cohesive story line that is easier to follow for newcomers. They are also confident that it will make longtime fans even more excited about the future of Star Wars. Critics have mixed reactions to the announcement, with some feeling that it is an unnecessary change while others applaud Machete Order’s dedication to improving an already beloved franchise. However, no matter what people think of this new plan, one thing is for sure: The Machete Order has sparked excitement in Star Wars fans everywhere and we can’t wait to see what they come up with next! ..

Rod Hilton has 99 problems and most of them are with what he sees as a hack job done in the Star Wars saga by the poor execution and ordering of the prequel movies. He’s not just a fan ranting about how lame Jar-Jar Binks is; his proposal essentially saves the plot of the series and orders the movies in such a fashion that major surprises are not spoiled (watching in the I to VI order, for example, ruins the Vader reveal among other elements of the story).

What does he propose? Watch them in this order: IV, V, II, III, VI. What’s missing? You never watch Episode I. His well thought out rant about how much the Machete Order improves the viewing sequence (and how much you gain by not watching Episode I) is so convincing we can’t even bring ourselves to summarize the important points here and detract from the enormous smack down he delivers–hit up the link below for a really interesting read into why you need to watch Star Wars in whole new way.

Star Wars: The Machete Order [via Wired]