Technology has made our lives easier in so many ways. From making communication more efficient to reducing stress, technology has made a big impact on our lives. Here are five of the most popular technologies that have had a significant impact on our lives.

  1. Email Email has been a major factor in the growth of online communication. It is easy to send and receive messages without having to wait for days or weeks, and it is also easy to keep track of your messages and replies. Email has also helped to reduce the amount of time we spend on phone calls and other forms of communication.
  2. GPS tracking GPS tracking is another technology that has had a significant impact on our lives. It allows us to track where we are at all times, which can help us save time and money on transportation costs. GPS tracking can also be used for safety purposes, such as when we need to be sure that someone is safe while away from home.
  3. Social media platforms Social media platforms have become very important in today’s society. They allow us to connect with friends and family far away from home, and they have also helped to reduce stress levels in our lives. Social media platforms have also helped us learn more about different cultures and their customs, which can be helpful when traveling abroad someday!

Many readers were thankful for the Internet as an entire technological advance. Lee writes:

Jim is especially thankful for the Internet:

Several readers took it back to the basics of electronic life. Suhail writes:

Guy Dols echoes the sentiment:

While the Internet/World Wide Web and the invention of the microchip ranked highly, many readers expressed thanks for the most basic of modern amenities. TheFu writes:

Clear and easily distributed water is certainly something we take for granted in first world countries. If you’re interested in helping people in developing countries gain access to clean and safe water supplies, we would urge you to check out Charity Water (“A” ranked by to help bring wells and water purification systems to those in need.

All other tech falls very far below those two in my book. If you don’t believe me, turn off your water heater for a week and stop assuming water from the tap is clean enough to drink.