There are a lot of email clients out there, and which one is best for desktop or web-based use? Here’s a look at the three most popular email clients:

  1. Mozilla Firefox
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Apple Safari

Earlier this week we asked you to share your email workflow and you all responded in force.

TusconMatt doesn’t miss desktop clients one bit:

Thunderbird got lots of love in this week’s Ask the Readers comments, Merriadoc was but one of the many, many, readers that based their workflow on Thunderbird:

I love having access to all emails from anywhere on any platform and don’t think I could ever go back to a dedicated email client.

Before switching to Gmail, I used Thunderbird in Windows and Evolution in Linux.

Anonymous Andy weighs in with the most detailed response in favor of ditching desktop clients for web-based email:

I used Eudora, Lotus Notes, Outlook Express in the past. Not my cup of tea.

For more reader comments, hit up the full discussion thread here. Have an idea for the next Ask the Readers question? Send us an email a!

Of course, a downside might be that I don’t get the immediacy of an email. And I’m also pretty much tied to using an open browser with Internet access to get my email. But again, not being alerted every time an email comes in is also kind of nice. And for anyone who needs/wants to get a hold of me that urgently I usually just tell them to call me anyway (hopefully, from an unblocked caller ID number too).